"The presence of our contemporary age
Alters artistic vision down a spiral of emptiness.
Artist no longer create the visual page,
Their spellbound by ambitions of digital laziness.

Visions lost to the age of simplicity,
Erased to machines’ evil desires,
Deluded by storms of deception,
Creativity ceased as hell endures its fires."
Artists should learn how to talk to the world in order to explore and critically examine it, but spare themselves.

The university gives me an environment to feel art. I love every landscape here, which is the source of inspiration for my works.
Technology has changed the way we think about time and how we manage it. By spending "new time" in front of new things, artists may use art and technology installations to grab people's wasted time.
It's easy to get a sense of identity by watching a lot of these videos of art school life.
Challenges I face as an artist:
Building an unbreakable self-trust.